With the release of the movie The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey in theatres and now on DVD, the Hobbit has been a hot topic of conversation. The success of this movie follows the success of the previously released movies, The Lord of the Rings Trilogy, all based upon the literary works of author J.R.R. Tolkein. With the interest these movies have sparked in these classic fantasy stories, many people have become interested in the fictional characters of the books and movies. Some have become interested enough that they may even wish to portray one of the characters at a costume party or during a theatrical production. One such character that would be fun to dress up like would be the Hobbit. Here are some helpful and creative ideas for creating a hobbit costume that is authentic-looking.
Hobbit Costumes
Bilbo Baggins CostumeSting Lightup Sword
The costume should incorporate all of the facts that we know about the Hobbit’s appearance and sense of fashion. These details should include the descriptions about the Hobbit in that they typically have thick, curly hair and are short in stature. They also tend to be a little plump around the midsection, or to put it simply, have a slight belly on them. Hobbits are usually about three and one half feet tall, but height can range anywhere from two to four feet tall.
Hobbit Costume Accessories
Hobbit Costume Feet
The feet are slightly larger than one might expect in comparison to the size of the body. Their feet also have leathery like bottoms and are covered with furry hair on top, thus eliminating the need to wear shoes. They have ears that are somewhat pointed , as well as roundish faces. They will very rarely ever have beard or mustache, as most Hobbits are unable to grow facial hair. Obviously, no one can make themselves become three feet tall, unless a child is dressing as the Hobbit, however, you can use the other detailed information to make your costume look as authentic as possible.
Aside from the physical appearance of the Hobbit, there are several details pertaining to the clothing styles that the Hobbit prefers. Common clothing choices would be a waistcoat in the colors red or yellow. Breeches of green velvet, accompanied with a green or brown jacket, complete with gold or brass buttons would typically be worn. The Hobbit may also wear a dark cloak or hood when going out.
Now that you have a general description of the appearance and clothing style of the Hobbit,you can begin planning how to create a costume. The idea behind this costume is to make it authentic enough to be used in Cosplay. This is an abbreviated form of the words “costume play”, and is a form of performance art in which those participating wear costumes and accessories intended to represent a specific fictional character. Therefore, the costume needs to be very authentic and detailed so that you can instantly be recognized as a Hobbit. This costume would also be ideal for any type of Lord of the Rings/Hobbit event or gathering, or any occasion wear a costume is required.
Hobbit Hair
For the Hobbit’s hair, buying an inexpensive Halloween costume type of wig would work well. Refer to a photograph of the Hobbit characters from the movies for a guide as to what style to look for. Think brown, wavy hair with fringy bangs in front. If the hair on the wig is too long, consider trimming it slightly. There are many Halloween costume shops available online all year round, so you don’t need to worry about the time of year in regards to locating a wig.
Hobbit Ears

To make believable Hobbit ears, think of ears that resemble those of an elf. Again, this is another area where the Halloween costume stores will come in handy, any time of year. Look for Elf latex ear tips and a product called Spirit Gum that can be used for application. Obviously, if a latex allergy is an issue, you may wish to construct ears out of tan colored felt or craft foam. Make a design that you easily fit on the ear, but that is still secure. If using felt, simply draw a simple pattern of an elvish ear. Fold your felt in half and trace the pattern on the fold, so that your “ear” opens up into one solid piece of fabric. Fold halves together to sew seams, leaving an open area that you can slip on over your ear. Hot glue could also be used to hold seams together.
Hobbit Feet
To get authentic looking feet, simply go barefoot and glue little clumps of faux fur, doll hair for crafting, or perhaps the hair you might have trimmed from the wig, onto your feet. There are also some clever slippers available online called Furry Adventure Slippers. These slippers look like over-sized human feet, complete with fuzzy toes and tops of the feet. These are perfect for dressing the part of a hobbit.
For the clothing, check out thrift shops like Thred Up first to see if there is anything that fits the part. Look for long sleeved dress shirts in light solid colors, or fairly neutral colored striped patterns. Solid color suspenders are also a nice touch. Roll the sleeves up if going for a casual look, or else top the shirt off with a button down vest or waistcoat. Check the vintage section of thrift shops such as Goodwill, or just browse through the clothing and chances are you’ll find something that will work. Think rather bold colors in hues of deep red, dark yellow, or green. Long sleeved suit jackets in the same color options will also work, and the regular buttons can easily be removed with a seam ripper and gold or brass buttons can be sewn into their place.

For the pants, simply find in pair and pants or trousers in the correct colors and cut them off slightly below the knee. Save some of the fabric that was cut off to make a cuff that can neatly be sewn by either hand or machine to create authentic looking breeches. For the hooded cloak, this is another piece that can be found on many of the Halloween costume sites, just search for something like Hooded Cloak. If it happens to be near Halloween, you may also easily be able to find cloaks in the Halloween costume section of the thrift shops. Cloaks are also relatively easy to make in the fabric selection of your choice. There is also a great sewing pattern from Simplicity for those that are handy with a sewing machine. The pattern number is Simplicity 1771, and features a hooded cloak, as well a great female Hobbit style costume with the full dress.
When your costume is complete, add a plastic sword as a great accessory. This can be found in dollar type store in the toy aisle, or through the Halloween costume shops. Now your Hobbit costume is complete and you’ll be ready for any cosplay, Halloween, or fantasy themed adventure.
Remember that you can make up your own Hobbit character, because you don’t have to be Sam, Frodo, Bilbo, Pippin or Merry. There is a whole community of Hobbits, some of whom are mentioned in the Lord of the Rings briefly. It would be fun to have a Hobbit-themed birthday party to try out the costumes.
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